RABBIT SKINNING 101I have been hunting
with firearms since I was eleven (11) years
old which will soon be a total
of sixty-one (61) years. It is hard to imagine time has gone by so
quickly! My bride and myself just celebrated our 50th wedding
anniversary and looking forward to more to come, the Lord willing of
course. We both give God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, the Praise,
Honor and Glory in all things and thankful for each and every day allowed.
Since I did a short story in 2008 with a pictorial essay about how I
skin squirrels, I decided to do a short story with pixs on how to skin a
rabbit and this is the method taught to me by our Pop who has been deceased
since 2007. I certainly do miss him and the wonderful times we shared
with my brothers Joe, deceased and Allen. Pop was an honest, hard working
man and a devout Christian, of which I have additional information about him
on my biography
page and other pages such as
Memories From The Past, which has family
pictures posted in separate web folders.
The past couple years, a friend Bud Ratliff, who owns
Backwoods Hog Hunters, LLC has provided myself with plenty of
rabbits harvested in front of his beagle dogs and I have shared them with my
number one Brother-in-Law Douglas Pettigrew of Reidsville, NC. So far
this year, Bud has brought me twenty-five (25) rabbits and I plan to share
them with Douglas Pettigrew, Robert Webster and my brother Allen Porter, of
which all of them love
rabbit and gravy as much as my bride and myself does.
Now with the rambled and side tracked introduction out of the way, it is time to post some
pixs of how I skin rabbits. I have used a couple nails with the heads
removed and/or finishing nails into a post or tree to hold the back legs of
Wabbit to facilitate the skinning process. Just recently, I made a
wooden bracket to hold the two nails which has clearance behind the rabbit
and support post member making the skinning process a little easier.

A rabbit's hide is thin enough to allow you to use your fingers and
thumbs to pull the hide off the meat without the usage of a knife. I
start at each back leg and break the skin loose from the meat and pull the
hide downward to the base of each back leg. I then, use the knife to
cut the tail loose and pull the hide all the way down over the rabbit's head
and front legs.

rabbit is what we call a
"swamp" rabbit; bluish tint color on hide on the

Once, the hide is pulled over the
rabbit's head and front legs, remove the head from the body and using a pair
of side cutters, cut the front legs off.

I cut between the pelvic
bone which will expose the end of the intestinal track.

Once the pelvic bone is separated,
insert the knife at the neck and chest area and cut upward until you reach
the pelvic bone. I usually take the left leg off the nail and
bend the rabbit leg backwards breaking and opening up the pelvic bone
exposing the end of the intestinal track. I then pull the intestinal
track downward along with the viscera (body contents).

If needed, you can use the knife to
assist, but most of the time the knife is not necessary, since the entrails
will freely pull off the rabbit.
Once the entrails are removed, you cut
the back legs off and the rabbit is ready for soaking in regular tap water
with a good amount of plain salt to help remove blood.

I rinse the rabbits off in the sink or a plastic container a few times
before I add salt to the water. Sometimes, it is necessary to
remove shot shell pellets and rabbit fur driven into the rabbit by the shot
shell pellets. After a good soaking in salted water, rinse off in regular tap water.
I quarter each rabbit and place in a quart size vacuum bag, vacuum seal
and place in my basement freezer for later usage.
Below pixs
of some "beautimous"
rabbit and gravy.

Web published
by Bill aka Mickey Porter on 01-27-18 and updated on 01-29-18 and 01-30-18.
I modified the nails by
bending an arch in them to keep the rabbit legs in place. Pix below:

The modified nails worked great in
keeping the rabbit legs from pulling off the nails.
MORE "WABBITS" 02-02-18
Bud Ratliff brought
me eleven (11) more rabbits. Bud and his hunting companions had a very
productive day for sure. Below is a pix of Bud with his beagle dogs
and the harvest of the day:

Click on
below thumbnail pixs for a larger screen view:

To date, that makes a total of thirty-six (36) rabbits Bud has given me and
I have shared 12 with my brother and friend Robert Webster and will have
some more to add to ones designated for my number one Brother-in-Law,
Douglas Pettigrew of Reidsville, NC.
The rabbits were skinned, dressed,
placed in salt water and soaked for an hour or two. Rinsed off with
regular tap water and placed in my game refrigerator overnight. The
following morning, they were quartered, vacuum sealed; then to the freezer.
I invited Bud and his son Hunter for some rabbit and gravy in the future,
when rabbit hunting season ends.
Web page updated by Bill aka Mickey Porter
on 02-03-18.
Ratliff brought me seven (7) rabbits and six (6) quail yesterday 02-09-18
and they were quickly skinned, dressed, placed in salt water for a soak.
They were later rinsed off and placed in my basement game refrigerator
covered until the next morning for quartering up and vacuum sealing.
The quail were vacuum sealed whole, whereas the rabbits were quartered up.
Bud said him and his hunting buddies harvested an even dozen rabbits and one
of them kept five. I have been keeping tabs on the total rabbits Bud
has given me and to date it is a total of forty-three (43).
It took longer to skin the quail than it did the
rabbits. I love roasted quail and gravy and quail gravy is my
second choice of gravies, with rabbit gravy my first choice.

I am looking forward to
preparing the
quail and gravy
in the very near future.
Web published update by Bill aka Mickey Porter on
Bud Ratliff
brought me a pile of rabbits their hunting party harvested on 01-18-19.

When I said a pile of rabbits, that is
what I meant! Can about taste that "beautimous"
rabbit n gravy
right now.
I got a chance to use my latest
knife conversion on eleven (11) of the
above rabbits and it worked flawless. I cut through the neck with the
thin bladed knife and it held its edge great. Eleven of the rabbits
went to a former employee of H. W. Little, Inc. who lives in Rockingham, NC.

Web page updated by Bill aka Mickey Porter on 01-19-19
and 01-23-19.
If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please take this
moment to accept him by Faith into your Life, whereby Salvation will be
Ephesians 2:8 - 2:9 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith;
and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest
any man should boast.
Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the
evidence of things not seen.”
Romans 10:17 “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the
word of God.”
Open this
link about faith in the King James Bible.
Romans 10:9 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord
Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the
dead, thou shalt be saved.”
Open this
link of Bible Verses About Salvation, King
James Version Bible (KJV).
Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and
sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of
soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the
thoughts and intents of the heart.”
Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is
eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of
Micah 6:8 “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth
the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk
humbly with thy God?”
Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which
strengtheneth me."