I purchased a TenPoint Titan De-cock ACUdraw crank crossbow from Wyvern
Creations, LLC via the internet on 10-24-2022.
This crossbow was going to replace a 2014
Bowtech Solutions LS model
crossbow (shown below) which has issues with the Delrin bearings, but is
still shootable and have harvested two (2) deer with this crossbow so
far this hunting
Another reason for choosing this crossbow
(TenPoint Titan De-Cock ACUdraw crank), I
needed a simple means to cock and de-cock the crossbow and not having to shoot a
bolt in order to de-cock the crossbow. The Titan M1 crossbow platform had very
good reviews and hoping the same for this model TenPoint crossbow Titan
De-Cock ACUdraw crank,
"the jury is still out"
as will be manifested in this short story!
On 10-28-2022, I placed a TenPoint (SDS) String Damping System on
the stock to help prevent excessive noise and vibration. I
also installed a pair of BowJax limb vibration dampeners on the limbs
prior to shooting and sighting the scope in.
I noticed right off that the ACUdraw crank system was giving trouble by
locking up (binding) before I
got the U shaped string claw attached to the crossbow string and it was
difficult to get the claw to release after the crossbow was cocked. I shot maybe a dozen (12) crossbow
bolts within a few days and finally the ACUdraw mechanism locked up and I could
not release the U-Shaped claw from the crossbow string with the crossbow cocked without a lot of trouble and
effort. Finally, the ACUdraw crank retraction power spring broke.
Also, the two stage trigger pull became a single stage trigger pull and
you were pulling against the wall all the time and the trigger pull
poundage to me was excessive. However, I am use to a very light
trigger pull on all my firearms and the Bowtech crossbow I have been
using has a light trigger pull, maybe 3.5 pounds and less than 2 lbs. on
my CZ 452
American .22 caliber rifle.
Also, the cams were not in time, but didn't seem to affect the accuracy.
I contacted TenPoint via the contact form on their website and they
later advised that
I take the crossbow to one of their authorized service center dealers
after I had already
made the trip three (3) days earlier. I had earlier tried to contact them
via email, but
not get a response. Also, I tried their 330-628-9245
land line and
got no where with their convoluted automated telephone service and never
did get to speak to a live person; e.g. customer service. I was
placed on hold for an extremely long time and finally gave up!
It might be easier to locate someone in the Federal Witness Protection
Program than contact a customer service representative at TenPoint
Crossbow Technologies in my humble opinion!
William Porter
Fri, 11/11/22 7:32 am
Even your own repair facilities do not have a diagram of the mechanism.
I went to one of your repair shops and they charged me 40 bucks for a
main spring that should be under warranty. I shot the Titan about
12 times and the spring failed.
Also, you folks do not answer emails either.
Your service sucks.
Here is what I did to a 1000 dollar top of the line PSE bow,
circa 1994
NOTE: See my
Murphy's Law short story which details
why the above bow ended up in 13 pieces and deposited in the landfill in
Looks like your Titan might be a candidate.
Have a blessed day.
Bill Porter
Below is a conversation with TenPoint after I received my bow back from
their authorized service center dealer in China Grove, NC
Thu, 11/10/22 9:16 pm
If you mean schematics, no. That is proprietary information. If you need
yours repaired, please go to a service center as recommended in our
previous chat.
William M Porter
Thu, 11/10/22 12:45 pm
Zip Code: 28170
Message: Do you have a diagram for the Titan De-Cock ACUdraw crank?
NOTE: I did an internet search at the US Patent Office on
11-12-2022 and found U. S. Patent 11,428,499 B2 pertaining to the
de-cock trigger group which was patented this year (08-30-2022) assignee
Hunter's Specialty Manufacturing, Inc, D/B/A TenPoint Crossbow
Technologies. So much for
proprietary information per TenPoint Michelle!
The video
is fairly
generic to other models of the ACUdraw
as to how the retention power spring operates and the replacement of
said spring.
As eluded to earlier, I contacted one of TenPoint's authorized service
center dealers in China Grove, NC and drove there on
November 7, 2022 which was a 60 mile drive one way and it took about 1.5
hours to make the trip. The repairman, can't remember his name
(maybe the owner) took the ACUdraw mechanism apart and stated that he
had never worked on that
particular model and did not have a spring for it, whereas he would fill
out a warranty repair and order one from TenPoint.
Later that same day, the authorized service center dealer called and stated they found a
spring for the crossbow and had it repaired and the bill was $ 100.00.
I drove to the repair center on the 10th and was waiting at their business
which opened at 10:00 AM.
We tested the crossbow, cocked it and de-cocked it and it did
lock up (bind) one time while
retracting the claw from the crossbow string and
then worked fine. I asked the owner if he charged me for the
retention power spring and stated it wasn't
covered under the warranty. I paid the 107 dollars which included tax and left him a
3 dollar tip. I was charged 40 dollars for the spring, 60 dollars
labor charge and 7 dollars tax. I looked up the cost of the spring
on line and it was a little less than 15 dollars! I think I got
"took to the cleaners" on that for sure.
I asked them about the two-stage trigger pull not working and they did not
address that issue, but said "crossbows normally have a heavier trigger
pull", of which I understand.
It makes me wonder if they placed the original
retraction power spring back onto the spool hub since the end of the
spring was broken at the hub. It would be easy to bend the end of the spring a few
drill a hole in the end of it and reuse the retraction power spring.
I contacted Wyvern Creations via email and left them information about
the trouble I was having with the crossbow and he said
"I forwarded this up the ladder at TenPoint
to make sure it does not get buried. Hopefully someone will
contact you."
I am very well pleased with the customer service from Wyvern Creations,
but extremely displeased with TenPoint's apparent no customer service as
far as I am concerned. I have read numerous threads on the
crossbow nation website aka (blog) and I am definitely not alone in my
assessment of the quality of their customer service!
I ordered an Excalibur Tact-100 scope from Wyvern Creations to
replace the TenPoint Pro-View 3 scope that came with this crossbow.
NOTE: On 11-11-2022, I filled out the contact form on TenPoint's
website and requested a RA number to send the crossbow back to
the factory. It is still locking up
intermittently, even though I am following the
instruction manual and pulling the claw out slowly as per the
recommendation of Wyvern Creations and TenPoint.
So far, I have driven approximately 240 miles taking about 6 hours (two
round trips total) to China Grove, NC and the crossbow is still not
functioning properly 100 percent of the time and not to mention spending
107 dollars for said repairs and vehicle gas!
NOTE: On 11-12-2022, I placed the crossbow in a home made
cocking and de-cocking station and test fired the crossbow several times to check the
trigger pull poundage with a digital meter. As fate would have it,
the crossbow cocking mechanism did not lock or hang up while strapped
down in the fixture, but worked as it
I used a Lyman digital trigger pull gauge to ascertain what the trigger pull
was and the readings of the trigger pull was as follows: 7 lbs. 10 ozs.,
and 7 lbs. 7 ozs. for a average of 7 lbs. 8.5 ozs. which is a heavy
trigger pull for me. Also, the two stage trigger pull is not
present, but you are simply "pulling against
the wall" and there is a little creep detected in the
trigger pull. I don't know for sure
if the trigger pull poundage reading I got was accurate since I could
not pull the trigger rearward in a straight line pull due to the cocking
mechanism in the way of the trigger pull gauge body. I will probably experiment with another
means to get a straight back trigger pull using the digital trigger pull
poundage meter.
UPDATE: On 11-14-2022, I used a looped string to attach
to the trigger and got a straight line pull at the rear of the crossbow
stock/butt plate to the Lyman digital trigger
pull gauge and the reading was 5 lbs. 11 oz., however the two-stage
trigger pull is only a single stage trigger pull.
Our only grand daughter Miss Lily Danielle Gonzales was visiting
today and doesn't let her PAW PAW get to far away from her.
I definitely had to keep both eyes on her for safety reasons.
I am using a home made cocking and decocking station I made just for
the Bowtech Stryker Solutions LS crossbow since I broke my
right arm in
April 2021 and needing some assistance to help cock the crossbow.
I am now able to cock the Stryker crossbow manually! I modified the above
home made cocking and decocking station to fit the TenPoint Titan crossbow also.
This contraption has a small "boat winch" with nylon web strap at the other end
and modified a separate TenPoint sled to fit the Bowtech rails aka flight deck to
draw the limbs to full draw and can also de-cock the crossbow. I
like to use the phrase, "Fred Flintstone
technology with George Jetson results," grin if you must!
That phrase will tell you how old I am!
I will no doubt wait until after this hunting season to send the
Titan crossbow back to TenPoint since my Bowtech Stryker Solutions LS crossbow
is still operational and
harvesting deer. However,
Murphy's Law
never sleeps and as the original BSA (Boy Scouts of America)
motto, "Be Prepared", I
definitely need a back-up plan!
Changed my mind. I have a friend that is providing a loaner
(Barnett Whitetail Hunter II) as
another back-up until I get the Titan crossbow back and shot a few
crossbow bolts on 11-17-2022 and zeroed it in. Initially, it was
shooting 5 inches to the left and 2 inches low at 20 yards +-.
Web page published by Bill aka Mickey Porter on 11-12-2022 and
updated on 11-17-2022.
Sun, 11/13/22 3:48 pm
Please see below on getting an RA to send your bow in:
Click https://www.tenpointcrossbows.com/contact/ and we will email an RA
number to you along with the information you need to send the bow in.
In the comments field please detail:
1. What you think is broken on your bow.
2. How it broke (if you know)
3. The best phone number to contact you & best times to call
William M Porter
Fri, 11/11/22 3:15 pm
Zip Code: 28170
Message: I had Grafton Archery, LLC in China Grove, NC replace a broken
retraction spring, however the crossbow is still locking up. I have read
your manual numerous times and following said procedures.
Please send a RA.
I filled out the on line form on 11-14-2022 at approximately 9:45 AM
and also advised them of the trigger problem being a single stage versus
a two stage trigger pull and that Grafton Archery did not address this
On 11-14-2022 at about 5:26 PM, I received an authorization number
682885 from Nikki Ivey. I packed the crossbow in the TenPoint
original shipping box minus the SDS (string damping system) and
the BowJax limb dampers and went on line to UPS and arranged a
pick-up of the package the following day. The shipping and
insurance coverage cost me $ 50.40; e.g., $ 18.35 for 1K
insurance and $ 32.05 shipping. This crossbow definitely is
costing me some serious "saw bucks."
UPS picked up the package on 11-15-2022 at
3:39 PM and it was delivered to TenPoint on 11-17-2022 at 12:26 PM.
Hopefully, TenPoint will find what the intermittent problem is with
the ACUdraw crank and fix the D1 trigger mechanism.
I filled out a live chat form on 11-21-2022 at 8:45 AM and requested
that the link to this short story be forwarded to their repair service
manager: 14190609+XV5G8@tickets.livechatinc.com
I received the crossbow back from TenPoint this morning morning
(12-02-2022); remounted the scope and got the crossbow onto the stock,
installed the BowJax limb dampeners and the SDS.
When I met the FedEx delivery driver and took possession of the
shipping box, I noticed a rattle coming from the shipping box and as I unpacked the crossbow assembly,
observed that the scope was loose in
the large box and not secured or protected. The rear scope lens
cover (plastic lens) was also
broken in half.
I shot a few arrows aka bolts and the scope was still zeroed.
However, the u shaped string claw was still locking up intermittently (will not
retract) without fumbling with the crank collar to get it to unlock and the trigger
pull is still horrible. If there is a two-stage trigger pull, I
definitely cannot detect it, since there is no slack on the trigger, but
"tight as two coats of paint."
It would "appear" that TenPoint changed the trigger
group out since it now has a different SN label on it, however as
stated above, it doesn't exhibit a two-stage trigger pull and the
trigger pull poundage is excessive to me.
TenPoint did make a couple posts on the Crossbow Nation blog concerning
my problems with this crossbow, but I am following the printed
instructions to the letter!
TenPoint Crossbow repair services did
absolutely nothing
to effect repairs on this crossbow as will come to light several
paragraphs down!
Make sure you are back winding enough to open the brake system up.
Make sure you are holding the button on the left side when you do the
last backwind. It sounds like you are just not getting the silver
collar backed out enough.
In conclusion, I
made a huge mistake purchasing this crossbow and guess I will have to
live with it until I get totally disgruntled and then bring out
the Milwaukee PortaBand saw and vent my disgust, anguish and dissatisfaction as I
did years ago with a PSE Mach6 cam bow when I reached my
threshold tolerance level.
I would have been better off purchasing a 400 dollar
Whitetail Hunter II crossbow as a back-up (of which I can
easily cock using a rope cocking device) and use my home made cocking
and de-cocking station if needed, since the Bowtech Stryker
Solutions LS is still harvesting deer even with a couple broken Delrin
saddle bearings that are slowing working their way from the riser
concave limb pocket positioned
underneath the saddle pivots.
I definitely got off on the wrong foot with TenPoint
since I sent them a link to this short story which documents this Titan
de-cock ACUdraw crank saga.
Normally, I use better
psychology for getting a problem fixed as follows: 1) Build them
up, 2) Lower the boom and 3) Exit gracefully, however this time, it was
just my nature (modus operandi) to vent my frustrations in print, knowing beforehand it was a
big mistake!
Web page updated by Bill aka Mickey Porter on 11-15-2022,
11-17-2022, 11-21-2022 and 12-02-2022.
David Wilkins, owner of Wyvern Creations, LLC offered to get my crossbow set-up after hearing all the
troubles I had with it from the start. David emailed me a FedEx
shipping label and I got the crossbow back to him on 01-06-2023 and told
him I wasn't in a hurry since
deer hunting season was over and too cold here to practice with a
David emailed me on 01-19-2023 with an update and quote David, "The
strap was not only twisted but looped more on the left than the right so
ya, it pulled un-evenly. I also adjusted the brake…that design has
a very aggressive brake so anything other than a slow pull will cause it
to lock up and require that you re-loosen it. We had a training
seminar at the show and this came up."
David sent me an email on 01-23-2023 with an update and quote David,
"Hi, OK, the crank works fine and the tune is all back where it should
be, but the trigger has something going on with it. Its too heavy and
its not a two stage like it should be so I'm going to get TenPoint
involved in that part as we can't do that work here….I'll keep you
NOTE: As evidenced above, David Wilkins found exactly
the problems I had described to TenPoint!
David Wilkins emailed me an update on 02-09-2023 and quote David,
"OH…by the way, your bow is on its way back
to you. They replaced the trigger and did some shimming on the
crank over and above what I did so you should be set."
David Wilkins sent me an email today and quote
David, "Hi It even says on the
receipt to ship it to you and it just showed up here….I'll get it out
tomorrow for you."
I received the crossbow today (02-17-2023) and
gave it a test run. The trigger was still heavy with a little
creep, but I can certainly live with that. I noticed the trigger
group assembly had a different SN decal on it.
I am having difficulty getting the horseshoe
sled to fully retract (decock mode) when the string has all the tension
removed, however it could be my fault; e.g., operator
error..........grin if you must!
It is a good ways off to our annual archery
season and have plenty of time to get acclimated to the crossbow and a
very special THANK YOU
to David Wilkins for his time and expense to get the crossbow repaired!
Web paged updated by Bill aka Mickey Porter on 01-26-2023, 02-09-2023, 02-13-2023
and 02-17-2023.
I got caught up on my yard and home projects for the time being and
wanted to shoot the
TenPoint Titan De-Cock ACUdraw crossbow
to check the point of aim. I recently replaced the scope that came
with the crossbow with a TenPoint Rangemaster Pro Illuminated Scope and
zeroed it in using my wood planer as a benchrest, of which wasn't the
most stable shooting rest.
Today, I made a make shift rear holder just for the TenPoint Titan,
whereas I had a wood home made front holder adapted to my
shooting bench which has a Sinclair
benchrest shooting rest attached to it.
I didn't want to take the portable shooting benchrest outside, but
used it positioned inside my basement woodworking shop. Even
though this bench rest is portable, it is super heavy duty, heavy and
designed and built for accuracy! I removed the rear elevation
adjustment knob which was to long for use with this crossbow and will
make a much shorter one just for the crossbow.
The above crossbow has been back to the TenPoint factory twice and
the trigger is very hard poundage wise. It is advertised as a
two-stage trigger pull, but I can't detect any two-stage trigger stage
at all.
I later used the windage adjustment to bring the point of impact
closer to the bulls eye. I shouldn't have any trouble with deer at
20 yards. The speed ring on this scope gets you in the ball park
at 30 yards and beyond and it was close enough at 30 yards to harvest
I will probably get me a rest more applicable to crossbows only, but
what I currently have is working.
Web page updated by Bill aka Mickey Porter on 09-18-2023.
I ordered a Bog Fieldpod Magnum Hunting Rest a few days ago on Amazon
and it was delivered on the afternoon of 09-22-2023 and gave it a field
test. Right off the bat, the front fork lock knob was froze up and
would not turn at all. I wanted to use the rest, therefore I
elected not to send it back to Amazon for a replacement. I put a
couple Channel lock pliers on each end of the knob and recessed bolt and
broke the knob off and still could not get it to budge. I got my
Milwaukee 4.5 inch angle head grinder out that had a thin width cut-off friction
wheel on it and cut the bolt in half to remove both ends from the
aluminum side tubes and the plastic insert between them.
I rounded up a length of 1/4 x 20 tpi threaded rod that I had on hand and cut it off to
the length needed and used one of the curved plastic spacers on the rest
and made another curved one using a 1/4 inch washer. The curved
portion keeps from flattening out the thin wall aluminum tubing and
prevents the rod from turning. I
then used a couple 1/4 x 20 tpi lock nuts and guesstimated at the height
of the front fork (forend) and tightened the lock nuts until the front
fork stayed into position.
I filled out an online form requesting replacement parts. After
looking at the part that would not turn, it was evident that rust had
frozen up the threaded ferrule that was molded into the plastic star
shaped knob. In the mean time, I ordered a pack of 1/4 x 20 tpi
plastic knobs on EBay and can use the knobs for other applications for
my woodworking
As luck would have it, the next day I found a couple 1/4 x 20 tpi threaded knobs
in my router table accessories and needed only one of them.
I cut off the excess 1/4 x 20 tpi threaded rod and the unit works
fine. I put some serious scratches into the tubing finish with the
channel lock pliers, but I can live with that.
After getting the rest temporally fixed, I set the rest and tripod
and measured off 20 and 30 yards with my surveyors tape. I earlier stepped
the 20 yards distance off and I was a good 2 or 3 yards off. I
guess my senior citizen stride is not as long as it use to be, grin if you must!
The tripod was definitely not level, but with the adjustment of the
rest, it was not a problem. The next time I use this rest, I will
move the rest parallel bar slide rearward to where the crossbow weight
is properly centered and not forward heavy.
I zeroed the scope at 20 yards with only a minor change in windage
and elevation and was in the small bull's eye. I then moved the
target back to 30 yards and shot one arrow and it was close enough for
Government work as evidenced by the pix below:
The Yellow Jacket target butt is not perpendicular to the shooting
Thirty (30) yards looks far with the camera zoomed out. The
speed dial was set for 355 feet per second and close enough. Most
crossbow manufacturers have the speed of their crossbows over rated and
then will test using light crossbow bolts, of which I do not use.
I haven't run this crossbow bolts shot through my Shooting Crony yet,
but might do so in the future, but speed is not that important to me
since I harvest deer at shorter ranges.
I will be using the Executioner Black Eagle crossbow bolts and they
weight 442 grains with a 100 grain broadhead, maybe a few grains more
since I am using lighted nocks.
In conclusion, this is a
good rest for the money and stable
enough, however my custom made portable benchrest shooting rest with the
Sinclair bench rest front rest is rock solid steady, but again it is
very heavy even though portable. The BOG Fieldpod Magnum hunting rest
weights less than 18 lbs. and is very portable, but will use it mainly
to sight in my crossbows..
The TenPoint Titan Decock ACUdraw crossbow is performing pretty good
at the moment. I have not had any issues cocking the crossbow as
far as the break system locking up, but when placing the claw on the
string, it seems the coil spring is "tight
as two coats of paint" but can live with that. I
haven't used the decock feature since I have been releasing crossbow
bolts into the target.
I will give an update when I start using the decock feature during
hunting season.
Web page updated by Bill aka Mickey Porter on 09-24-2023.
The crossbow U-Shaped claw aka sled will not retract per the
manufacturer's instruction manual. Once the string tension is let
off the string and the sled is relaxed on the string, it will not
retract on its own. I have to manually turn the turn the silver
crank collar counterclockwise to make the strap to go back into the housing.
About half way or more, the spring will begin to pull the strap on its
own which is not what it is supposed to do.
Per the manufacturer's instructions; when the string is let down (no
tension) you hold the gear stop button down, remove the crank handle and
continue to hold the gear stop button down and backwind (turn the crank
collar counter-clockwise) until it stops. Release the claw from
the crossbow string and return it to the storage position, however it
will not do so! It appears the break release mechanism is not
working properly.
I would like to harvest a few deer with this crossbow for the freezer before I make a
YouTube video showing the TenPoint Titan
Crossbow Versus my Milwaukee PortaBand Saw and I can
guarantee the winner, even though I am the big looser also!
In conclusion, I made a
huge mistake purchasing this crossbow!
Web page updated by Bill aka Mickey Porter on 10-14-2023.
I have harvested four (4) deer with the Titan crossbow and finally
got where I could retract the U shaped claw when the string is let down,
but have to help it a little to get started by turning the silver know
some to wind the claw in manually and then the spring will take over.
This is not per the instructions protocol, but it is working
Web page updated by Bill aka Mickey Porter on 11-26-2024.
If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please take
this moment to accept him by Faith into your Life, whereby Salvation
will be attained.
Ephesians 2:8 - 2:9 8 For by grace are ye saved through
faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: 9 Not of
works, lest any man should boast.
Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.”
Romans 10:17 “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by
the word of God.”
Open this
link about faith in the King James
Romans 10:9 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the
Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him
from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
Open this
link of Bible Verses About Salvation,
King James Version Bible (KJV).
Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and
sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder
of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of
the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of
God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory
of God;”
Micah 6:8 “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what
doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and
to walk humbly with thy God?”
Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which
strengtheneth me."